Frequency of occurrence every 23 days.
Physical Biorhythm
Frequency of occurrence every 28 days.
Emotional Biorhythm
Frequency of occurrence every 33 days.
Intellectual Biorhythm
Frequency of occurrence every 38 days.
Intuitive Biorhythm
Frequency of occurrence every 43 days.
Aesthetic Biorhythm
Frequency of occurrence every 48 days.
Biorhythm of Consciousness
Frequency of occurrence every 53 days.
Spiritual Biorhythm
The combination of the primary emotional biorhythm with the intellectual primary biorhythm.
Biorhythm of Wisdom
The combination of the primary Intellectual biorhythm with the primary Physical biorhythm.
Imperious Biorhythm
The combination of the primary Physical Biorhythm with the primary Emotional Biorhythm.
Passion Biorhythm
The combination of the primary Intuitive Biorhythm with the primary Physical Biorhythm.
Biorhythm of Perception
The combination of the primary Emotional Biorhythm with the primary Intuitive Biorhythm.
Psychic Biorhythm
The combination of the primary Intellectual Biorhythm with primary Intuitive Biorhythm.
Biorhythm of Success
Day after day.
Biorhythm Daily
Compare 13 biorhythms.
Biorhythm Comparison
Three major cycles in comparison.
Biorhythm Trio
Know the date of His conception.
Biorhythm Conception
The way to a boy or a girl.
Biorhythm Lunar Dr. Eugen Jonas
8 years What else?
Biorhythm phase - Men 8 years
Female life cycle seven years.